11 Unconventional Tips to Help You Fall Asleep Easily and Sleep Soundly All Night

Choose a Pillow for Your Specific Sleep Position

Choose a Pillow for Your Specific Sleep Position

  • If you sleep on your stomach, it’s best to use a soft or thin pillow, or even no pillow at all, to avoid neck pain.
  • Sleeping on your back can negatively affect your spine. Placing a pillow or a rolled-up towel under your knees can help maintain the natural curve of your spine. For your head, a thinner pillow that is slightly thicker at the bottom may be needed to support your neck.
  • Side sleeping positions are generally good, as the body is in a more natural posture with the knees slightly bent. However, you should choose a larger pillow to fill the space from your ear to your shoulder. Additionally, placing another pillow between your knees can ensure proper spinal alignment.