11 Unconventional Tips to Help You Fall Asleep Easily and Sleep Soundly All Night

Sometimes, sleep becomes a luxury for us. And it’s not always due to external irritants like the roaring cars on the street or neighbors who suddenly need to rearrange their living room at 2 AM. Sometimes, our frantic pace of life prevents us from enjoying such a simple pleasure as a good night’s sleep.

We hope that the life hacks we’ve found will help you fall asleep more easily and finally get a good night’s rest.

Remove Clocks from Your Sight at Night

Remove Clocks from Your Sight at Night

The habit of glancing at the clock has become a staple in our bedtime routine. However, watching the time or hearing the ticking of a clock can cause stress, hinder falling asleep, and reduce sleep quality.

Before going to bed, it makes sense to remove clocks from your line of sight. You don’t even need to take them out of the room; just turn them so that the face is not visible.